Tuesday, May 1, 2012




CELL: 94408 96915

Temple to be inaugurated:                                         Sri Jnana Saraswati Ammavari Devalayam, Basara, Adilabad District.

Date of inauguration                                                      Sri Nandana Naama Samvatsaram

Ashaadha Shuddha Vidiya, Thursday, 21/06/2012

Star: Punarvasu, Lagna: Simha

Morning between 10.30 and 1.30 pm

Start of Ratha Yatra (on the day of Puri Jagannatha Ratha Yatra)

Method of Yatra                                                                 1st phase : To tour 3-4 Mandals in each district

Average per day                                                                 10 villages

Total number of villages                                                 26,000

Total number of Mandals                                               1140




FROM 2012 TO 2022

*      Visiting 26,000 villages

*      Display of 1,00,000 temples

*      Formation of 1,00,000 Trusts

*      Building up a volunteer force of 10,00,000

Aims of the Yatra:

*      Formation of 1,00,000 Trusts for the 1,00,000 Temples.( Young men and women in the age group of 18  and 30 years will be members of the Trust of each Temple)

*      At least ten active volunteers in each Trust

*      Formation of a force of at least 10 lakh volunteers in ten years time frame, to ensure conduct of at least one social service programme at   the devalaayas in every village.

Let us preserve our Devaalayas                 We will protect our environment

Let us serve our own society                      We will build a class-less Society.





    Bharat Maata the personification of wisdom, culture and civilization is glowing like a Goddess and Bharat Desh is like a resplendent place of worship in the entire universe.

The entire universe will thrive in peace and brotherhood as long as the temple called Bharat Desh is preserved strongly.

Bharat Maata the very Mother to the Divine Being must reverberate  with the holy sight of ever-luminescent Deepa and Dhoopa,  with lilting melodies of pre-dawn Veda Ghosha, chiming of temple bells, naada swara (Shehnai beats), mesmerizing nuances of Bharata Natya, Kuchipudi and other forms of dances, flowering of sciences and rural arts at all the numerous temples, Swayambhus, historical and mytholigically famous temples built across the length and  breadth  of the Holy Land. As long as this continues Bharat Maata will be imparting rays of jnana to the world at large.

As such, we must take steps to be positive to  preserve the temples in the 6 lakh 40 thousand villages of the country.

With this lofty aim, we undertook two Maha Paadayaatras in the State with the slogan of “We shall preserve our Temples, We shall maintain our Temples”. This is the first effort to educate the society of its duty towards devaalayas. We have to deliver this message to the last Hindu family in the last village of the country. Not only that, we should be active till the last devaalaya in the country is positively activated.

Each Hindu, each family must be oriented towards devaalayas

Hindu Youth must be enlightened

Must love, comprehend and implement our Dharma and Culture

Each devaalaya must emerge as centers of Spirituality and Social Service

Each devaalaya must undertake at least one Service oriented programme

For the same, each devaalaya must form a service Trust on its own

Hindu Youth of the village or city in the age group of 18 to 30 years must become members of the Trust formed with  devaalaya as nucleus. In this way the youth must take the support of devaalaayas and the blessings of the Goddesses and Gods and serve and protect the entire society, all life forms and environment viewing them as the embodiments of the Almighty.

When the Rath Yatra reaches the village:

  1. Welcome
  2. Darshan of Devaalaya
  3. Introduction of the Village
  4. Gathering information
  5. Guide Lines
  6. Oath taking
  7. Election of Office Bearers
  8. Division of labor
  9. Finalization of service programes
  10. Farewell.

3rd page:

PURPOSE                                                             :Constitution of Bhakta Mandali (Spiritual, Philosophical and social service programmes)

MESSAGE OF THE YATRA                              :Devaalayam is the Centre for God Worship and Patriotism. Devaalayam is the social welfare scheme of the Hindu Society.

AIM                                                                       : Preservation of Devaalayas, Cow Protection, comprehension about religious matters, Hindu Family System, Protection of Mother tongue through Bhakti movement.

RESULT                                                                 : Unveiling of a Practical and Positive Hindu Society


Programmes suitable for Men                                   Single-Teacher Schools

Maintenance of Libraries                                              Service during Natural disasters

Personality Development Centre                             Service during calamities

Bhajan Centre                                                                   Blood and Medicines donation

Maintenance of Cow Shed                                          Service to Senior Citizens

Maintenance of Veda Pathashaala                           Succor to Destitutes

Traditional School for Girl students                          Shelter to the poor

Prograames suitable for Youth                                   Distribution of Clothes and Books

Maintenance of Gyms                                                   Leprosy Eradication Centre

Maintenance of Yoga Centre                                      AIDS rehabilitation Centre

Sports and Yogasanaa Competitions                        Mobile Hospital, Mobile Library

Kolatam                                                                               Ambulance, distribution of Optical Lenses           

Bhajan                                                                                  Support to physically challenged persons

Learning of Rural Arts                                                     Three-wheeled Cycles

Village Protection                                                            Distribution of sewing machines

Darshan of Pilgrim Places/assistance                       Distribution of Grinders

Free coaching classes                                                     Nutritious food for children and pregnant women

Vedic Mathematics                                                         Preservation and protection of Devaalaya Assets like   lands/Jewellers/miscellaneous items    

Astrology, Vaastu, Music                                             

Propogation of Dharma                                                 Conduct and assistance in final rites

Dramas                                                                                 Maintenance and development of burial grounds

Monoacting                                                                        As volunteers in local festivals

Water camps during Summer                                     Superstitions – Enlightenment

Medical Centres for child and mother                     Eradication of untouchability

Eye Medical camps                                                          Eradication of social evils

Cow Shed, Veterinary Hospital                                  Entry to All in Devaalayas

Usage of Right to Information Act                            Birth anniversaries of Patriots

Propagation of Dharma                                                 Environment protection, sowing of saplings

Cow Shed                                                     Fruit plants – distribution to children

Maintenance of Cow Shed                                          Construction of Devaalayas in Dalit and Tribal villages

Service to Cow – self production of inorganic


Inorganic cultivation                                                       Production of Dharmic feature films

Collection of Grass and distribution                         Study of Dharmic magazines

Usage of Cow products                                                 Propagation

                                                                                                Deeksha Maalaadhaaran, Dharma Raksha Maalaa Dhaaran


1.       Worship, 2)  Panchaanga, 3)House Visits

       4) Prayer for Patients, 5) Distribution of Teertha and

           Prasaad for patients, 6) Visit to Hospital,

 7) Following Righteous path,

Service programmes with Devaalaya as nucleus.

Spirutualism, Bhajan, Paarayan, Child Reformation Centre

Sat Sangh, Naama lekh (Sri Ram, Siva and Sai), Kolatam,

Recital of Shlokas for Children, Teaching of Kirtanas, Songs,

Prahelika Aachar, Traditional introduction, Sports, Sports

Competitions, Yogasanaas, Yoga, Learn by heart Bala Ramayana, Bharatam, Bhagavatam, Bhagavadgita,


Religious poojas, Deeksha, Kolatam

Reading of books, news and information

Collection of old songs

Comprehension of Tradition

Nagor Sankeerthan


Flower Garden


Rangoli, Sports Competitions,


Cottage Industries

1)Meal leaves, 2)Paapads, 3)Candles, 4)Rural handlooms

Activities to be performed by all the villagers

Hindu Events, Seminars, Debate, Essay Writing and Recitation Contests, Reading of books on the lives of Patriots,

Birthday celebrations

Distribution of Bhagavadgita and Ramayanam during festival days

Marriages to poor females

Education of poor girl students

Safety and security of poor girl students

Encouraging Hindu Organisations

Social Welfare Hostels

Birthday celebrations


Must be conscious of spirituality, following righteous principles individually and in family, participating in social programmes, Spiritual library at home, reading of spiritual books, spiritual programes in TV, visits to temples, Bhajan, Village festivals, Reacting against atrocities, Sustenance and  encouragement to arts,  protection of Dharma, propagation of Dharma,  Visits to Mutts, Ashrams and their protection, mono-acting, Drinking water camps during summer, Medical camps for children and women, eye treatment and treatment camps, cow shed, veterinary hospital, Single-Teacher school, Service during natural calamities, Service during accidents, Blood and Medicines donation camps, service to senior citizens, Succor to the destitute, Distribution of clothes and books, Leprosy eradication centers, AIDS rehabilitation centres, Mobile Hospital, Mobile Library, Ambulance, Distribution of optical lenses, Support to physically challenged persons, Distribution of three wheeled cycles and sewing machines



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